Thursday, February 3, 2011
happy chinese new yr!!! now at jb , had reunion dinner.. tmr coming back to spore ler .. then go to my grandma n aunty hse.. so tired, but jux dont feel like sleeping .. many things had happen this few days.. just hope that i wont go back to my same old mistake again.. feel so worn out , had no energy to carry on any further.. however i know i still must persevere on no matter what..
anyway he just now came to school n is lyk so dam fucking shit laaas ! he is like a dog , completely no life at all ! this few days, i do wonder who i am, what am i living for .. i began to treat everyone, including my loved ones coldly.. im not sure why.. der bad thing is that i dont speak what is in my mind.. i tend to keep it to myself.. i am afraid people wont hear me out , people do not care.. i really dont know..
i just hope that i will be back my old self again.. haiish, life do sucks sometimes ]:
♥ 12:58 AM